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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Child Labour


In the late 18th century The industrial revolution took place. The Victorian Era in particular became notorious for the conditions under which children were employed. Children as young as FOUR were employed to work in factories. In my opinion these people were heartless. 

Some children worked day and night, suffered and in the end they had no pay. Children suffered under the rule of Queen Victoria who in my opinion was quite uncaring. I believe she neglected her country. 

In that era most child labor occured at 3 places. 
Children in the V. era who suffered in child labor

- The street
- The chimneys
- The Factory

The street  

On the mine children had jobs such as :
- Polishing shoes
- Sweeping the street

The chimney
 On the chimney children had jobs like:

- cleaning soot in the chimney
This job was rather dangerous because the kids had to hold their breath or they could have taken in the soot. Due to that many kids suffocated and died

The Factory

In the factory jobs were:
- Cleaning the machines
Cleaning machines was also dangerous. Children lost their hands,legs...FAMILIES etc. in the factory.

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